Baba Ali
About Me

I am a software developer that focuses on web technologies. I craft things with code, from simple and attractive websites that are responsive to fully blown applications with database integration.

I love learning new technologies that pushes the boundaries of what can be accomplished on the web even further.

From progressive web applications to powerful web development frameworks, I try to stay relevant and up to date.

I like to read, to broaden my knowledge about things in general, and also to learn from other people's experiences.

My tech stack comprises of the following tools :
  • Node.js - runtime environment for making scalable and highly perfomant web applications.
  • React - A javascript library for building reactive components for the web.
  • MongoDB - A JSON-like NoSQL database.
  • HTML - The markup language used in building web pages
  • CSS - The declarative language for styling web pages. My favourite CSS framework is Tailwind .
  • Others like PHP, Python and MySQL.
So, now you know a little about me. If you wanna build something, just let me know using any of the following platforms: